A glazed bowl after firing

After the calligraphy was done, a clear glaze was poured inside the bowl and then poured back out, leaving a thin layer of glaze on the inside surface. The half-glazed bowls were then left to dry overnight.

On the next day, one by one, the bowls were inverted and placed over a plastic basin, supported by two wooden sticks. Glaze was then poured over the inverted bowls, leaving a thin layer of coloured glaze on the outside. After a few minutes, the inverted bowls were removed from the supports.

Such a glazed bowl would have unglazed areas on the rim. To fix this, the bowl was inverted and then dipped into the bucket of glaze, touching only the rim. The bowl was then carefully lifted up and allowed to dry.

After the glazed bowls had dried sufficiently they were loaded into a kiln and fired.



